5 Ideas For A Productive And Enjoyable Time At Home
3 Mins Read
Many of us are spending more time at home these days. Working from home can be productive and efficient. There are many benefits when it comes to working from home such as the amount of time we save on commuting and the flexibility on taking care of home and work tasks. Working from home is not an uncommon thing for some industries. For people who are used to working in an environment outside of home, they might face some challenges. A common challenge people are facing is the ability to stay focused and be productive.
Having a structured routine would help you to be productive at work and maintain a healthy balance of life at home. Here are some simple ideas to help making your working from home experience more productive and enjoyable. Everybody has a different working style and there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to working from home. Be true to yourself and find what works best for you.
1 Dedicate a space for work
Dedicating a space to work at home helps you to draw boundaries between work and home. It doesn’t need to be a dedicated study room; a clean and tidy desk would do. We know working on bed feels comfortable however it might not be ideal as it is meant to be your resting zone where you relax and recharge your energy. Having a mental separation of work and rest zones help us to perform both better.
A clean and tidy desk gives us a good start. Start with clearing up your desk and group the existing things together by function. Declutter unnecessary objects and reorganise your desk to a neat and tidy work desk. A stationery desk organiser would help you to keep small items in place and easy to find when needed.
2 Create a Cosy atmosphere
Your home becomes a place where you spend most of your time at. It is worth spending some effort to clean up, decorate it to the way you feel comfortable with and make it as your own sanctuary. When you step away from your work desk, you can chill and relax at a different area of your home. Refreshing your home does not need to be a hassle, a few artistic homewares and artworks would enhance the overall atmosphere. As we are entering the Spring season, adding a few live plants will also bring the spring vibe and a taste of nature to your home.
3 Create your own spa at home
While some might find it hard to stay focused on work in a home environment, others actually find it difficult to switch off when working from home as there isn’t a need for them to “leave the office” anymore. It is important to maintain a regular routine while working from home including reasonable time for meal, exercise and rest. Working continuously with no rest will actually burn you out and decrease your productivities. Create your own spa at home, hop into a warm bath or take a long shower. Spend some time reading your favourite book or listening to your favourite music. You deserve it!
4 Spice up your dining experience
While dining out might not be convenient these days, dining at home can be as enjoyable as dining out by adding a small touch to your serving wares. Very often, we enjoy dining in restaurants not only because of the quality of the cuisine but the overall dining experience as a whole. In Japanese dining culture, the kind of serving wares being used and the way the food is plated are as important as how they taste. Some new plates and cups may just be the thing to add a new sensory layer to your home dining experience – now your meals will not just taste and smell good, they can also look good!
5 Learn and strengthen your skills
Dan Dan noodles illustration recipe tea towel, Red and Blue by Pinyin Press
We can make good use of the commuting time we save by learning something new. Is there a dish that you have always wanted to learn about? A handmade idea that you want to try? Or a new language that you are interested to explore? There are many learning resources available online and you can choose one that fits your interest and schedule. Here are a few online resources as examples. Take the opportunity now to learn and strengthen your skills. Building a well-rounded skill set would open up more potential opportunities for you.
Hack Chinese, an online education platform for learning Mandarin. This online platform helps you to recap the vocabularies you have learnt and keep track of your learning progress. You have the flexibility on deciding when and how much time you spend on learning each day, as little as a few minutes a day.
HKU online learning runs by the University of Hong Kong offers a series of online courses taught by a group of world-renowned professors at the University. The length of each course is in general few weeks long with an option to receive an authentic certification.
Ted-ed is a Ted’s youth and learning initiative that offers a diverse range of short video-based lessons for different groups of learners including students, teachers, and parents. The original animation videos are their signature content.
Thank you for being an appreciative reader as always. If you enjoyed reading this blog post, please share it with your family and friends. We wish you a productive and enjoyable time at home.
April 2020
The Qraftie blog aims to provide you stories related to craftsmanship, culture and lifestyle around Hong Kong.